
Showing posts from August, 2017

Humanize the earth - looks & landscape

Humanize the Earth The Internal Landscape studies non-meaning in life in relation to the struggle against nihilism within each human being and in the social life, exhorting readers to transform their lives into activity and militancy at the service of humanizing the world. The  human Landscape treats the question of establishing a foundation for action in the world, realigning meanings and interpretations of values and institutions that had seemed beyond question and accepted as established once and for all. Landscape and looks are involving the body and an emotional way of being-in-the world.  That is why I think that to educate is fundamentally to prepare the new generations to exercices a non-naive vision of reality, so that their look takes the world into account not as some supposed objective reality-in-itself but rather as the objcct of transformative humans actions. Humanize the Earth Silo, «The human Landscape » - p. 91, p. 92 Today, we are presenting the ...

False hopes & hopes that open our future!

"Without hopes and dreams one cannot live" Maybe it been too long since a wise person told you a story that spoke to your heart and helped you make sense of your life ? Maybe you are searching for meaning in your life among your daily activities...? ... our experience mirrors what is happening in our culture - we are surrounding by stories, fables, myths, social network, real and fake stories that reflect our life style and in few occasions help us to oriented our life towards meaning. Today in this accelerating technological environment.. the social environment is getting more and more problematic for many. Violence, inequality among extreme rich and poor, gender discrimination, generational clash, cultural clash, isolation, terrorism, climate change and suicide... Today many experiment theses problems and have difficulty to related to there environment. In fact, one have to recognizing the existential, historical, economical, social and cultural conditions tha...