Korean Demilitased zone -World March for Peace and Nonviolence visiting Korean Demilitarised zone in 2009

(Base Team visiting Korean Demilitarised zone in 2009, http://www.theworldmarch.org/) World March for Peace and Nonviolence Base Team at the Korean Demilitarised zone in 2009 In February, at winter Olympic game in South Korea(1), most people were surprised to heard of a possible Reunification between South Korea and North Korea (2). A few weeks ago many Peace and Nonviolence activists around the world were interested by the new development from USA, Russia and China with a possible agreement for peace and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Korean Peninsula has been divided for the last 55 years and thousands of families are devided since. To understand the context of the Peninsula let's go back a few decade ago. Korea gained independence from Japan in 1945 at the end of the Second World War, than the country was divided into two Korea after the war in the 50's. This war resulted in 2,5 millions dead and injured and it is estimated tha...