Dependency, power and the new humanism moment

The word dependency means to be subordinated to a person or to some things. To be dependent is to be subjugate, to be subordinate to a system of power, and a system of relationships imposed by one entity on another – such as a strong power on a weak one, a dictatorship “vis-à-vis” a people, etc. Dependency is a psychological mental state connected to a system of economic, political, sociocultural, subordination by a group of people to another group. As a rule, the weaker entity is in a relation of dependency on the stronger. Dependency can have a natural or an artificial (imposed) historical origin; an example of the former is parent and child; developed versus developing countries. There is various form of dependency. But in most of these forms we find ourselves in front of similar result which is the violence and the domination of one by another. For centuries the problem of dependency has been a fundamental issue for any people and group that struggle for equality, f...