In this moment of fake news and misinformation let's grasp the distinctions between the different types of political views

The world is changing with rapidity and these changes affect the daily life of populations. In addition, the old way of doing politics is being swept away overnight while old forms and radicalism are reappearing. In such a situation spontaneous actions of different types arise. In fact, many of these phenomena are closer to catharsis and social excesses than to a social process having the capacity to orient and make sense of the present moment. On the other hand, today bad faith and banditry in the appropriation of words have become monstrous. Indeed, I believe that it then becomes necessary to review some definitions. To remedy this situation, I share with you definitions of different political views. These definitions were taken from a book published a few years ago from the World Center for Humanist Studies which presented a short series of vocabularies intended to familiarize readers with the themes most frequently encountered in the texts of Universalist humanism. I believe i...