The evolution of our species

The evolution of our species In different historical moments, different people and cultures have translated human interiority as diverse and, on occasion, opposed poetic or mythical landscapes. In fact, since the beginning of time, human beings have used various ways to enter into the deep space within the mental and the spiritual dimension. Today many researchers in the field of phenomenological studies are asking various questions to understand our collective distant past. They are looking at human history and are creating links between moments of rupture of the mental space and the changing in human perspective; changes in the look upon external phenomenon. According to researcher Ariane Weinberger (“Investigation sur le Dessein d’Homo sapiens au Paléolithique supérieur : de la quête de survie à la quête de transcendance”, France, 2013) by questioning our distant past, we propels the consciousness to ask questions about our distant future and, conversely, we open a space and p...