Educate for an active, pluralist vision of reality

(Wikipedia : Teenage Olso, Norway) This blog originates f rom an essay to be published later in Ma y (1). Active vision of reality & new generation Today 's most institution committed to education an d tra in ing offer in their curriculum citizenship program . But as the world is changing at a di zzying pace ca n we advance with an educational model that is adapt to our time and to the world to come? A model in which new generation would play act ive role in the world? A model that would incorporate more than a citizenship p rogram to prepared new gen eration to various context and reality? I f today ' education goal is underst ood as instructing and transmitting knowledge, its obsolescence is o bvious, since there are many more efficient means of accessing information that of fer a broader scope such as the numerical world ; databases, web conference, MOOC, online training, community ne two rking , etc. Nevertheless the existen...