Educate for an active, pluralist vision of reality
Active vision of reality & new generation
Today's most institution committed to education and training offer in their curriculum citizenship program. But as the world is changing at a dizzying pace can we advance with an educational model that is adapt to our time and to the world to come? A model in which new generation would play active role in the world? A model that would incorporate more than a citizenship program to prepared new generation to various context and reality? If today' education goal is understood as instructing and transmitting knowledge, its obsolescence is obvious, since there are many more efficient means of accessing information that offer a broader scope such as the numerical world ; databases, web conference, MOOC, online training, community networking, etc. Nevertheless the existential emptiness of education will not be fulfill by the virtual reality nor by digital pedagogical perspective. We need an educational model to train new generation for the world of today and the world to come. A model that exercise an active, pluralist vision of reality. A model that will link the active role of social building with the act of teaching and learning.
Valid action and student actions
Today we are seeing that changes in society are taking unexpected turns, resulting in disorientation towards the future. In turns some events generate "waves" of social anxiety which contaminated individual by producing state of anxiety (panic). In front of theses social events, it's imperative for new generation to incorporate inner references. Is it the same to do one thing or another? Are all actions the same? Do all the actions we do have the same value? At the foundation of education for active nonviolence we find the "valid action". "Treat others the way you want them to treat you," is one basic principle of the valid action. We understand that valid action produce sensation and what we called register. In education for active nonviolence register are the indicators for one to set his/her own inner reference.
Thus in today constant changing world we most work toward an education that will provided new criteria for action. This new education program could accommodate space for high school student do act on their personal and social problems such as : poverty, discrimination, violence, lack of self-confidence, lack of joy (open future), lost of solidarity, friendship and growing dehumanization. Theses programs would propose practices toward self knowledge by helping student to develop goals and projects according to their interest.
Homogeneity vs diversity
The situation of young people in school stifles their need for physical movement and emotional expression, while the school's tendency goes toward homogeneity. Today there are many situation in which homogeneity generate factors that goes against student diversity and interest. Whether we like it or not, it's inevitable that educational proposals will not be sustainable if it doesn't create program base on a strong connection within the existing social context and particular living context of student and teacher. In other words education must place itself within the perspective of social and cultural transformation. By proceeding this way it will be possible to allow the constitution of a coherent and broad based proposal. This kind of proposal will be carry out in confluence with rich meaning that will indicate that though education, the qualities that make and individual a truly human will be rescue from overwhelming homogeneity. In the future schools will found it desirable to cluster students based on various factors, such as achievement levels, diversity of personal interest and diversity of background, idea and believes. The pedagogical approach will place the accent on the emerging convergence of intention. This is why, Today, we are oppose to any idea of regimentation program impose by rigid structure. A new educational model must be committed to our own times and open to pluralist vision of reality.
Tools and practices for the new moment
It is clear that there is very little in the education system geared towards understanding and communicating with others about one's own mental processes. There is no doubt that when youngster life breaks down completely he/she may need the aid of a professional to help them set it back on course. But this way of doing things in turn, leads to reinforcement of individualism and the loss of solidarity among peer and the family.
The landscape of formation in which the new generation are gowning up contains the elements of crisis just as the technical gadgets, career training, the advice of celebrity experts in the mass media. But instead of dealing with "crisis", injustice, fragmentation of society, the lack of communication by building strong connection within the existing social context the new generation are ask to stay in classrooms and to get training. This model it's not working any longer. A new model would have to turns away from the various forms of human involution within the system by helping high school student to cope with the reality they live and helping them to act on it. We need a model base on Active nonviolence methods and practices.
Today we find various tools and practices that are supporting active nonviolence : meditation, yoga, relaxation, practices of dis-tension, psychophysical gymnastics, pretext exercises to perfect attention and self-knowledge practices. Theses practices are aiming personal well-being by gaining inner peace and freedom. We know that by changing student situation in positive ways they will be influencing their own surroundings, friend and family. This kind of change in their environment, if it is to be true and profound, cannot be imposed, cannot be set in motion by external laws or any form of fanaticism. It can only come from the shared opinion and collective action.
Valid action and student actions
Today we are seeing that changes in society are taking unexpected turns, resulting in disorientation towards the future. In turns some events generate "waves" of social anxiety which contaminated individual by producing state of anxiety (panic). In front of theses social events, it's imperative for new generation to incorporate inner references. Is it the same to do one thing or another? Are all actions the same? Do all the actions we do have the same value? At the foundation of education for active nonviolence we find the "valid action". "Treat others the way you want them to treat you," is one basic principle of the valid action. We understand that valid action produce sensation and what we called register. In education for active nonviolence register are the indicators for one to set his/her own inner reference.
Thus in today constant changing world we most work toward an education that will provided new criteria for action. This new education program could accommodate space for high school student do act on their personal and social problems such as : poverty, discrimination, violence, lack of self-confidence, lack of joy (open future), lost of solidarity, friendship and growing dehumanization. Theses programs would propose practices toward self knowledge by helping student to develop goals and projects according to their interest.
Homogeneity vs diversity
The situation of young people in school stifles their need for physical movement and emotional expression, while the school's tendency goes toward homogeneity. Today there are many situation in which homogeneity generate factors that goes against student diversity and interest. Whether we like it or not, it's inevitable that educational proposals will not be sustainable if it doesn't create program base on a strong connection within the existing social context and particular living context of student and teacher. In other words education must place itself within the perspective of social and cultural transformation. By proceeding this way it will be possible to allow the constitution of a coherent and broad based proposal. This kind of proposal will be carry out in confluence with rich meaning that will indicate that though education, the qualities that make and individual a truly human will be rescue from overwhelming homogeneity. In the future schools will found it desirable to cluster students based on various factors, such as achievement levels, diversity of personal interest and diversity of background, idea and believes. The pedagogical approach will place the accent on the emerging convergence of intention. This is why, Today, we are oppose to any idea of regimentation program impose by rigid structure. A new educational model must be committed to our own times and open to pluralist vision of reality.
Tools and practices for the new moment
It is clear that there is very little in the education system geared towards understanding and communicating with others about one's own mental processes. There is no doubt that when youngster life breaks down completely he/she may need the aid of a professional to help them set it back on course. But this way of doing things in turn, leads to reinforcement of individualism and the loss of solidarity among peer and the family.
The landscape of formation in which the new generation are gowning up contains the elements of crisis just as the technical gadgets, career training, the advice of celebrity experts in the mass media. But instead of dealing with "crisis", injustice, fragmentation of society, the lack of communication by building strong connection within the existing social context the new generation are ask to stay in classrooms and to get training. This model it's not working any longer. A new model would have to turns away from the various forms of human involution within the system by helping high school student to cope with the reality they live and helping them to act on it. We need a model base on Active nonviolence methods and practices.
Today we find various tools and practices that are supporting active nonviolence : meditation, yoga, relaxation, practices of dis-tension, psychophysical gymnastics, pretext exercises to perfect attention and self-knowledge practices. Theses practices are aiming personal well-being by gaining inner peace and freedom. We know that by changing student situation in positive ways they will be influencing their own surroundings, friend and family. This kind of change in their environment, if it is to be true and profound, cannot be imposed, cannot be set in motion by external laws or any form of fanaticism. It can only come from the shared opinion and collective action.
Pretext work and attention
In order to work the attention mechanism ones must explore various practices which as to do with divided attention, directed attention, and self observation. Education for active nonviolence program provided dis-tension practices and various work to perfect the attention mechanism. Theses exercises allow one to work with the attention by using motor pretext tasks, that is, tasks unimportant in themselves which are a pretext to exercise the attention. Theses pretext tasks are not in themselves useful, and they will make one physically fatigued and emotionally annoyed. All this happens because repeating motor talks for which one obtain apparently no benefit is annoying. But yet, there can be a great deal of meaning in these exercises if they are done in order to improve attention. We recommend a large space such as a gymnasium when student are doing these practices. The pretext work to prefect attention is designed for high school student and should not be teach as a disciplinary activity such as math and science in the classroom.
Attention and dis-tension
know that attention is a fundamental element in the evolution of human
beings and the essential mechanism in the path of learning. Today many teachers and educators are introducing activities of relaxation in classrooms. Relaxations practices sound elementary but scientist have found that it help one's capacity to concentrate to change and to adapt to new context. Most teachers knows that relaxation practice is helping student in being focused and being aware of their surroundings. Education for Active nonviolence program have similar practice called dis-tension. These practices lead to a decrease in external muscular tension, internal tension and mental tension, alleviate fatigue and increase one's concentration. The dis-tension work draw the attention on the learning process and the emotional connection among student. Thus, contrary to the pretext work to perfect the attention, dis-tension practices can be integrate as a daily routine in classroom.
Attention and emotional connection
Of course, we know that interest is connect to an emotion and causes the attention to focus on the object. The objects themselves have no interest, but they do condition the interest that they have for me. For instance, I can be attentive to the flower, or I can be attentive to myself. If I'm attentive to the flower I forget about myself and if I am attentive to myself I forget about the flower. These means that conscience is directed towards phenomena and because of their nature it put a limit to the interest. Naively we could say that we have stopped the flow in our conscience, because our attention has stopped in focusing this object. But its not the case. Since it is in the permanent feedback - between the act and the object, between conscience and the world - where the dynamic structure of thinking is functioning. If I maintain actively with effort my interest on the object, I do not stop the flow of my consciousness, on the contrary this tension show me it activity and the tendency of on the interest.
From this perspective we are saying that the work intend by education for nonviolence program does not refer to the object, nor it refers to the act but refer in the building of an attitude. Let's take an example, say we are in classroom explaining to students details of an event that will take place in ten minutes in the schoolyard; say the event is a race to support peace and nonviolence in the community. When we are talking about the event we are experiencing a rise of the interest of student. If we are saying, will it's been nine minutes and now we will leave in one minute in the schoolyard, than we are experiencing the rise of the "motricity" of the students and this state of restlessness. In this process we observed this attitude toward the interest, the image toward a possible future, create the active state, it is a tension toward the activity and his tendency is the "motricity" of the body.
From this perspective we are saying that the work intend by education for nonviolence program does not refer to the object, nor it refers to the act but refer in the building of an attitude. Let's take an example, say we are in classroom explaining to students details of an event that will take place in ten minutes in the schoolyard; say the event is a race to support peace and nonviolence in the community. When we are talking about the event we are experiencing a rise of the interest of student. If we are saying, will it's been nine minutes and now we will leave in one minute in the schoolyard, than we are experiencing the rise of the "motricity" of the students and this state of restlessness. In this process we observed this attitude toward the interest, the image toward a possible future, create the active state, it is a tension toward the activity and his tendency is the "motricity" of the body.
Register of discomfort and tense attention
Moreover, we know that interest have to do with behavior and mental direction (mental image generate tendency in the body posture). The function of behavior is always to preserve the integrity of unity of the individual who is trying to satisfy his needs oriented by registers of pain or pleasure. Therefore, we understand that attention can not be forced, if we force attention, like an obligation on high school student, we will create discomfort registers. In fact, this form of attention in which a thinking activity occurs with muscular tensions is completely unnecessary in the learning process. It happens, however, that some teachers force students to pay attention. But no one should force themselves to pay attention since that kind of attention is recorded as discomfort and produce many problems and learning disorders. It
is a problem when high school student have record badly the way to be attentive when learning new skills. Nobody is going to like to develop the attention mechanism if
it's force on them.
Since the registers of discomfort is always structurally and inseparably linked to rejecting the pain. Thus, when student are in discomfort their attention is fading away from the object (object of study or knowledge) as quickly as possible to prevent the increase in painful tension. But if stimuli are pleasurable, the opposite takes place and the structural response tends to prolong the stimulus.
Directed attention
Directed attention is a form of apperception attention in which the activity of attention is linked to registers of dis-tension. Lets take a workplace case where professional worker would use directed attention to do their task. Air traffic controllers are ask to take breaks every hours to avoid fatigue. Because do to their task they need to stay relax (dis-tense) and be attentive at the same time. Their work depend on the quality of their concentration, which we called directed attention in apperception. They coordinate the movement of air traffic and ensure that aircraft stay safe distances apart. Air traffic controllers need to learned to pay attention in apperception and to keep a dis-tension attitude. Theses operations are the fundamental mechanism which define the ability of the consciousness to direct itself, by means of the attention, to the sources of information - reversible mechanisms.
Directed attention
Directed attention is a form of apperception attention in which the activity of attention is linked to registers of dis-tension. Lets take a workplace case where professional worker would use directed attention to do their task. Air traffic controllers are ask to take breaks every hours to avoid fatigue. Because do to their task they need to stay relax (dis-tense) and be attentive at the same time. Their work depend on the quality of their concentration, which we called directed attention in apperception. They coordinate the movement of air traffic and ensure that aircraft stay safe distances apart. Air traffic controllers need to learned to pay attention in apperception and to keep a dis-tension attitude. Theses operations are the fundamental mechanism which define the ability of the consciousness to direct itself, by means of the attention, to the sources of information - reversible mechanisms.
Directed attention and ability to learn
As you can see, learning new skills, a good memory, strength in carrying out one's project, and in sum, one's capacity to change and adapt all depend on one's attention and attitude. Obviously one cannot force the mechanism of reversibility nor directed attention. To avoid fatigue and gain agility student shoud to carry out various activities in the daily routine; body movement and various form of expression, motors activities, sports, dance, art etc.
As you can see, learning new skills, a good memory, strength in carrying out one's project, and in sum, one's capacity to change and adapt all depend on one's attention and attitude. Obviously one cannot force the mechanism of reversibility nor directed attention. To avoid fatigue and gain agility student shoud to carry out various activities in the daily routine; body movement and various form of expression, motors activities, sports, dance, art etc.
Pleasant environment to learn
When student are practicing distension work, we recommend an environment base on good treatment, emotional openness, a predisposition to connect with student. In these condition most student will find a reason to learn. We understand that in a appropriate environment to learn the register of positive and pleasant stimulus involves the lowering of tension and the register of dis-tension. The practices of distension lead to decrease in external muscular tension, internal tension and mental tension. These practices make it easier for student to carry out everyday activities and relate with others in classroom environment.
The major theme of the work with dis-tension is aim at reducing excessive tension which is otherwise converted into internal sensations that generate new impulses that could be distracting for student.
In our next blog we will introduce the psycho-physical gymnastics practices and self knowledge. We'll explain how theses practices can help student to control and manage themselves better in daily life. We recommend that students study theory before doing the practices. The primary purpose of the psycho-physical gymnastics is to re-establish the balance between mind and body. The work of self knowledge help student to unfold goals and projects.
Essay to be published later in May : Farrell, Anne, A New educational Paradigm for active and pluralist vision, Henri Oscar Communication, Education for Active nonviolence Series, Pincourt, May 2016.
Bibliography :
Ammann, L. A. Self Liberation, the key to open your future, New Humanism Series. Latitude Press,San Diego. 1990.
Aguilar A., Mario, Bize B. Rebecca, Pedagogia de la Intencionalidad Educanco por una conciecia activa.
Farrell, Anne, A New educational Paradigm, Henri Oscar Communication, Education for Active nonviolence Series, Pincourt, May 2016.
Farrell, Anne, Contrer l'intimidation Nonviolence Active, Henri Oscar Communication, Collection Éducation pour la nonviolence Active, Pincourt, Mai 2016.
Swinden, Sylvia, From monkey Sapiens to Homo Intentional, the Phenomenoly of the Non-violent revolution, Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd, London, 2008.
Glossary - definition taken from Self Liberation
Apperception: the activity of the consciousness of paying deliberate attention to particular sensory perception. The consciousness is guiding the sensation in one direction or another so that they are directed not only by the varying activity of the external phenomena that arrive, but also by the consciousness which imposes a direction on what they perceive. Per example air traffic controllers work need oneself to pay attention in apperception. (paying deliberate attention on the movement of seeing and reflex thinking).
Attention: a function of the consciousness with which it observes both external and internal phenomena or objects ; when a stimulus crosses a certain threshold, it awakens the interest of the consciousness and moves into the central field of the attention. That is, the attention functions through interest ; it follows things that in some way impress the consciousness and create a register. A stimulus that awakens interest stays in the central attentional field which we call the filed of the "present'. This is related to perception. All objects that not strictly part of the given central object become gradually diffused in the attentional field, that is, less attention is paid to them. However, other objects which are not actually present may accompany or be linked to the central object through associative relationships. We call this attentional phenomena the field of the "co-present" and it is related to the memory. In the act of evocation, one moves one's attention from an object in the attentional presence to an object in the co-presence ; this is possible because there is a register of both the object present and the co-present object. Through co-presence one can structure and interpret new data never before seen. We say that when one attends to an object, what is evident is made present, while the non-evident appears in a co-present way. This occurs in the consciousness when it perceives something, so that one always structures more than one literally perceives, overlaying other things onto the object under observation. The co-presence also includes the different levels of consciousness ; thus, in vigil there is a co-presence of vigil. This gives rise to the different states such as directed attention (attention and distension) and Tense attention (attention and tension).
Directed attention: A form of apperception attention in which the activity of attention is linked to registers of dis-tension.
Dis-tension : theses practices lead to a decrease in external muscular tension, internal tension, and mental tension. These practices alleviate fatigue, increase ones' concentration, and make it easier to carry out everyday activities.
Divided attention: level of attention refers to the ability to respond simultaneously to multiple tasks or multiple task demands .
Landscape of formation : Our emplacement at any moment in life, is given by the representations of past events and these more or less possible in the future, so this enable us in conjunction with the current phenomena to structure what we called the present situation. This unavoidable process of the representation of facts is such that we cannot attributed in anyway the structure given to them. When we are talking about landscape formation we referred to the events lived by humans since birth in relation to a given environment. In this sense the landscape of formation acts as a profound interpretation of one action and reality, such as a sensibility, as a set of beliefs and values in which an individual or a generation lives. Each of us were born into a era in which there were certain types of cars, certain types of buildings, various tangible and intangible objects. Intangibles objects are values, social aspirations, interpersonal relationships etc. The velocity of change is accelerating ; we are in the presence of a rhythm of life that is very different from what it used to be in earlier times (communication, globalization of technology, wars, terrorism, massive movement of refugees, climate changes, etc). We find ourselves affected by our personal formative landscape and its interaction with the current historical moment in which we happen to live. Wars and violence arises when those who would wish the world to be what they expected in the light of their education and landscape find themselves in a completely different space.
Pain: the register of any unpleasant stimulus is called pain ; it always corresponds to an increase in tension. When the source of this register is a specific physical location in the body. One registers Pain through the pathway of sensation. But when the root of the register of Pain is in the mind, and its register arises through the pathways of the imagination and /or memory, we call it suffering.
Pleasure: the register of a positive or pleasant stimulus is called Pleasure. Pleasure involves the lowering of tension and the register of distension.
Psycho-physical gymnastics: Results in better self-control or self management in all situations in everyday life. This is a system of practices for self-control and integrated development. These practices reestablish the equilibrium between all the centers, that is, between mind and body. The Psycho-Physical Gymnastics practices are not intended to develop one's muscles, or to give one greater endurance or physical agility, as are sports and gymnastics in general. Rather, these exercises give the participant, through systematic tests, a clear understanding of which responses (i.e. intellectual, emotional or motor) he has the most difficulties with, those he can manage and control the least. Bse on the understanding gained from these tests, he then practices and masters his more difficult areas of self-control, thus balancing himself.
Register: the experience of the sensation produced by stimuli detected by either internal or external senses, including memories and imagination.
Relaxation: techniques designed to relax or dis-tense the external musculature, internal tensions and mental tensions. These techniques are useful to lower the tension.
Reversible mechanisms : a fundamental mechanism of the consciousness which we definite as the ability of the consciousness to direct itself, by means of the attention, to the sources of information. Thus, for the senses, the reversible mechanisms result in what we call apperception, and for the memory, they result in evocation. There can also be apperception during evocation. The operation of the reversible mechanisms is directly related to the level of consciousness ; as one ascend in level they function more, and as one descends they function less. There are also important phenomena in which the operation of the reversible mechanisms is blocked or partially blocked, even in full vigil. (level of consciousness : vigil, sleep, semi-sleep.
The major theme of the work with dis-tension is aim at reducing excessive tension which is otherwise converted into internal sensations that generate new impulses that could be distracting for student.
In our next blog we will introduce the psycho-physical gymnastics practices and self knowledge. We'll explain how theses practices can help student to control and manage themselves better in daily life. We recommend that students study theory before doing the practices. The primary purpose of the psycho-physical gymnastics is to re-establish the balance between mind and body. The work of self knowledge help student to unfold goals and projects.
Essay to be published later in May : Farrell, Anne, A New educational Paradigm for active and pluralist vision, Henri Oscar Communication, Education for Active nonviolence Series, Pincourt, May 2016.
Bibliography :
Ammann, L. A. Self Liberation, the key to open your future, New Humanism Series. Latitude Press,San Diego. 1990.
Aguilar A., Mario, Bize B. Rebecca, Pedagogia de la Intencionalidad Educanco por una conciecia activa.
Farrell, Anne, A New educational Paradigm, Henri Oscar Communication, Education for Active nonviolence Series, Pincourt, May 2016.
Farrell, Anne, Contrer l'intimidation Nonviolence Active, Henri Oscar Communication, Collection Éducation pour la nonviolence Active, Pincourt, Mai 2016.
Swinden, Sylvia, From monkey Sapiens to Homo Intentional, the Phenomenoly of the Non-violent revolution, Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd, London, 2008.
Glossary - definition taken from Self Liberation
Apperception: the activity of the consciousness of paying deliberate attention to particular sensory perception. The consciousness is guiding the sensation in one direction or another so that they are directed not only by the varying activity of the external phenomena that arrive, but also by the consciousness which imposes a direction on what they perceive. Per example air traffic controllers work need oneself to pay attention in apperception. (paying deliberate attention on the movement of seeing and reflex thinking).
Attention: a function of the consciousness with which it observes both external and internal phenomena or objects ; when a stimulus crosses a certain threshold, it awakens the interest of the consciousness and moves into the central field of the attention. That is, the attention functions through interest ; it follows things that in some way impress the consciousness and create a register. A stimulus that awakens interest stays in the central attentional field which we call the filed of the "present'. This is related to perception. All objects that not strictly part of the given central object become gradually diffused in the attentional field, that is, less attention is paid to them. However, other objects which are not actually present may accompany or be linked to the central object through associative relationships. We call this attentional phenomena the field of the "co-present" and it is related to the memory. In the act of evocation, one moves one's attention from an object in the attentional presence to an object in the co-presence ; this is possible because there is a register of both the object present and the co-present object. Through co-presence one can structure and interpret new data never before seen. We say that when one attends to an object, what is evident is made present, while the non-evident appears in a co-present way. This occurs in the consciousness when it perceives something, so that one always structures more than one literally perceives, overlaying other things onto the object under observation. The co-presence also includes the different levels of consciousness ; thus, in vigil there is a co-presence of vigil. This gives rise to the different states such as directed attention (attention and distension) and Tense attention (attention and tension).
Directed attention: A form of apperception attention in which the activity of attention is linked to registers of dis-tension.
Dis-tension : theses practices lead to a decrease in external muscular tension, internal tension, and mental tension. These practices alleviate fatigue, increase ones' concentration, and make it easier to carry out everyday activities.
Divided attention: level of attention refers to the ability to respond simultaneously to multiple tasks or multiple task demands .
Landscape of formation : Our emplacement at any moment in life, is given by the representations of past events and these more or less possible in the future, so this enable us in conjunction with the current phenomena to structure what we called the present situation. This unavoidable process of the representation of facts is such that we cannot attributed in anyway the structure given to them. When we are talking about landscape formation we referred to the events lived by humans since birth in relation to a given environment. In this sense the landscape of formation acts as a profound interpretation of one action and reality, such as a sensibility, as a set of beliefs and values in which an individual or a generation lives. Each of us were born into a era in which there were certain types of cars, certain types of buildings, various tangible and intangible objects. Intangibles objects are values, social aspirations, interpersonal relationships etc. The velocity of change is accelerating ; we are in the presence of a rhythm of life that is very different from what it used to be in earlier times (communication, globalization of technology, wars, terrorism, massive movement of refugees, climate changes, etc). We find ourselves affected by our personal formative landscape and its interaction with the current historical moment in which we happen to live. Wars and violence arises when those who would wish the world to be what they expected in the light of their education and landscape find themselves in a completely different space.
Pain: the register of any unpleasant stimulus is called pain ; it always corresponds to an increase in tension. When the source of this register is a specific physical location in the body. One registers Pain through the pathway of sensation. But when the root of the register of Pain is in the mind, and its register arises through the pathways of the imagination and /or memory, we call it suffering.
Pleasure: the register of a positive or pleasant stimulus is called Pleasure. Pleasure involves the lowering of tension and the register of distension.
Psycho-physical gymnastics: Results in better self-control or self management in all situations in everyday life. This is a system of practices for self-control and integrated development. These practices reestablish the equilibrium between all the centers, that is, between mind and body. The Psycho-Physical Gymnastics practices are not intended to develop one's muscles, or to give one greater endurance or physical agility, as are sports and gymnastics in general. Rather, these exercises give the participant, through systematic tests, a clear understanding of which responses (i.e. intellectual, emotional or motor) he has the most difficulties with, those he can manage and control the least. Bse on the understanding gained from these tests, he then practices and masters his more difficult areas of self-control, thus balancing himself.
Register: the experience of the sensation produced by stimuli detected by either internal or external senses, including memories and imagination.
Relaxation: techniques designed to relax or dis-tense the external musculature, internal tensions and mental tensions. These techniques are useful to lower the tension.
Reversible mechanisms : a fundamental mechanism of the consciousness which we definite as the ability of the consciousness to direct itself, by means of the attention, to the sources of information. Thus, for the senses, the reversible mechanisms result in what we call apperception, and for the memory, they result in evocation. There can also be apperception during evocation. The operation of the reversible mechanisms is directly related to the level of consciousness ; as one ascend in level they function more, and as one descends they function less. There are also important phenomena in which the operation of the reversible mechanisms is blocked or partially blocked, even in full vigil. (level of consciousness : vigil, sleep, semi-sleep.
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