Change and adapt to a new situations but never go against the evolution of things is to go against yourself

The principle of adaptation «To go against the evolution of things is to go against yourself» This principle of active nonviolence and valid action explain that when we know clearly before had the outcome of a situation, the correct attitude to use is to accept this outcome completely as possible, and take advantage even of its unfavorable aspects. Given theses situations we can freely choice to work with others to change theses unfavorable aspects of our life and our future. For my self I got involved in various popular and community group at a young age and most significant work I did was my involvement in a community newspaper. Mainly because we work directly on daily neighborhood issues and transmitting new ideas and projects. In fact principle of adaptation become clear for me if I remember situations in my past when I acted against it and others time when I work with the principle. Through my involvement in the community newspaper I had the opportunity to w...