Fertile ground for fascism in a world with trillions of weapons

(Image : to  millions of brave soldiers who died to end wars, to end this violent way to deal with religious and geopolitical conflicts and this violent way to redistribute social goods. Today we need to comprehend that the world don’t need more weapons to ended wars. During the First World War 20 millions people died, during the Second World War 50 million theses world wars were nightmare )

« Either we let be swept along by the tendency toward a world that is ever more absurd and destructive, or, we give events a different direction ». (Silo, Letters to my friends, p. 45)

In this blog we explained the structural point of view to understand the global phenomenon happening today. The crisis in which societies and individuals are now immersed - are not situations that can be resolved with political reforms. The phases of the closed system has begun a long time ago and in this moment there is no alternative to the destructuring process.

In today context, we see that most human activities have been subordinated to money. But at the beginning of liberalism societies things were different. In fact, today we are fare from the liberalism doctrine introduce by John Locke. Locke explains that there are two right in liberalism: the right to one’s liberty, and the right to penalize anyone who tries to injure one in violation of law. He goes on and explained the right to property.

Later the symbiosis between the economic and social Darwinist has been an important step in justification of the concentration of the power and money in the hands of the those who are more fittest in the struggle to survival.

During XX century, liberalism took a new form called the new liberalism. The neoliberalism  proposed the deployment of a global international financial system. The promoters of neoliberalism push an homogenized model. Homogenized businesses, law and communication were most people start to be subordinated to money. Eventually government, law, science and technology were subordinated to capital.

Today we are witnessing some modifications among the neoliberalism power. We are seeing fragmentions among  neoliberalism state and leaders. Theses new fraction have reactionary perspectives and find justification for their actions in the past.

All this demonstrates that these paradoxical events respond to the same process, which is worldwide and structural.  The old ideologies cannot give answers to these phenomena, since they, too, are part of the world that is vanishing. 

The others phenomenon are raising such as fascism. Fascism will never be defeating from the Darwinism  zoological perspective in life, that favours the struggle for survival, the struggle for the predominance of the fittest. "This darwinism  perspective, this myth of the West, the free world will not succeed. Today if world leaders choose to answer to the rising neofascism with more control and  weapons it will get stronger.

On the hand if we continue to manipulated words and censorship the freedom of expression, fascism will growth. In fact fascism will find fertile ground if we favor an education that promotes reward and punishment. Fascism will find fertile ground if we go on with this centrifugal forces of the international capital.  Fascism group and terrorist group will grow to the extent that powerful and militarized countries will continue to take over other countries and invaded territory.

If artificial intelligence is put in the hands of private corporations neofascism will flowerish, like humanity has never seen before.

Today, November 9, let’s remained ourselves the social and political when the Berlin Wall collapse. The West, the free  world called, the Berlin Wall, wall of shame. Let’s remember at  the beginning of the  construction  of the wall in  1961 the West called it a ramparts to protect the free world from fascism. But a great history lessons was learned  at  the collapse of the ex-USSR. Let’s remember that half of the world collapsed this day 29 years ago and there  were no apocalypse, there were no tragedies, no persecutions nor genocides. It was like if the ex-USSR leaders were letting go their control, then the people were getting better and better. Even more  shortly before the disappearance of this world some men met with leaders from the free world and started a process of disarmament.

Let’s remainders ourselves that in periods of great cultural, political and religious exhaustion, as have occurred in the past civilizations the trend is short term politic, and immediate answer to what should be done. Maybe Today we could take some time and reflect upon the future we want to  collectively create.

Let’s acknowledge that in these times of vertiginous transformations, belief that were held as unquestionable truths about the individual and society disappear in a blink of an eyes. If the powerful leader force "events" to stop the fragmentation process of belief,  they may generate more chaos.  We say “beliefs” instead of ”theories” because, the sudden collapse of political parties, or change of conduct of leaders is seen as  dramatic in the free world, in a human landscape color by confusion and various form of violence and discrimination.   But beside confusion and tragedies, new type of values is emerging.

These news values take shape in a specific moment.  It said that  in all destructuring processes new things rise and surpassed the old - meaning since ancient time the human being has struggled against all form of oppression. History has gave many times  opportunities  for protagonists to liberated themselves. According to structural perspectives,  the destructuring process in any given closed system have various steps and it’s in the last step, the moment of rupture, when the most progressive elements of the previous stage are incorporated into the new evolutionary step and changes the previous conditions. 

We are saying the  new values that are taking shape are not passive sentiment or ideas, but correspond to tensions and emotional climates that, taking shape in images. For instance the place of women in society and in decisions power. Today, many people are pushing this values. They are talking about women equality because they wanted to live in a world free of discrimination, they value solution of climate change because they want a  future for news the  generations. They know  that the only way to end neofascism is to end wars, and finally they are struggling for economical justice through the decentralization of capital. So, theses new values are becoming a social force that can orient and direct action, both individual and collective. Theses  movement possess great referential force because they come from the future and not from the past. This consideration is important to comprehend  in  this moment of great confusion.

Meanwhile, it's clear that the globalism don't want to be subordinated by any authoritarian government or any type of neofacist doctrine . Also true for populations  who are seeking  cultural and religious  protection. They don't want to suffocated under a global financial system. 

But we are into this single closed system and the old  elements need to be surpassed by newer things.  Theses  new elements may prevent the world to go towards more absurd and destructive events.  Because let’s remember there is no outside "place" in which another cilisation might arise. So for many it seen we are prisoners of this mechanical process of historical accumulation  which is carrying us in a direction of destruction events. 

This sound like bad news for any opportunistic who was form in a landscape where they manipulated others which was the way to go on. But it’s  good news for anyone who want to humanizes the world. Yes! Good news! Since the question is formulate as such - Who will be able to produce a change in direction by introducing new elements if not the people themselves, who are precisely the protagonist of their own history? 

Our planet is rapidly being unified with peoples and cultures thrown forcibly together with various visions and contrasting values. How can all people come together to create a truly universal human nation? 

We need to find common dominators which while recognized diversity of cultures, and will at the same time make possible the convergence and unified of the many peoples, many cultures and religions. 

Silo formulated the following characteristics that correspond in many ways to  historical humanist moments in many cultures:

1- placement of human being as the central value and concerns.
2- affirmation of the equality of all human being 
3- recognition of the personal and cultural diversity
4- development of the knowledge beyond what has been accepted as “absolute” truth.
5- affirmation of freedom of ideas and beliefs and;
6- repudiation of all forms of violence.

To concluded I believed the world is going through an historical moment of closer and a moment of opening in parallels  time. We are at that moment where  a new scale of values is  taking shape and will give birth to a new sensibility. 

This new sensibility will not just be passive, but will correspond to tensions and emotional climates, in front of the global interpretation and l appreciation as such as collectives likes and dislikes for human treatment and the planet. These sentiment are  now  taking shape in images, and will becomes forces that orient and direct action.  Similar to a religious sentiment, a gentle wind, this opening in the human mind will  affirm a new reality. A reality where the human being, is a special being, a sociohistorical being, that as nothing to do with a natural phenomenon. Furthermore this new sensibility will proclaimed human consciousness activity  and will transform the world in accordance with the intention. 

In moment of great confusion, our gratitude goes out to those who have preceded human being evolution with theirs commitments for Active Nonviolence to elevate the mind of the human being over centuries. Because despite their suffering it is thanks to them that today we will attempt liberation. I believe it's time to rebel against frustration. It’s a moment for kind and wise women and men to multiply and gain force with one and  others.


Image source:  Rafael Edwards 

Reference: Silo, Letters to my friends, 1995.


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