Fertile ground for fascism in a world with trillions of weapons

(Image : to millions of brave soldiers who died to end wars, to end this violent way to deal with religious and geopolitical conflicts and this violent way to redistribute social goods. Today we need to comprehend that the world don’t need more weapons to ended wars . During the First World War 20 millions people died, during the Second World War 50 million theses world wars were nightmare ) « Either we let be swept along by the tendency toward a world that is ever more absurd and destructive, or, we give events a different direction ». (Silo, Letters to my friends, p. 45) In this blog we explained the structural point of view to understand the global phenomenon happening today. The crisis in which societies and individuals are now immersed - are not situations that can be resolved with political reforms. The phases of the closed system has begun a long time ago and in this moment there is no alternative to the destructuring process. In today context, we...