
Showing posts from 2020

The soul - search, study and discovery

In this moment of global pandemic, and great turbulence, it seem like millions and millions of people are searching for new space to breathe. They search for a new integrated look to connect a fragmented and chaotic reality. Some are searching for inspired states of consciousness. Others search this particular connection with the sources of inspiration. They medicated and reflected and applied their energy towards transforming their inner look reality. In fact, since the beginning of time human being are searching a particular connection with all sources of inspiration which is the soul. They search for the connection with the divine and the gods. Throughout history they search for inspiration in difficult moment, in moment of crisis, in moment of abandonment and exclusion and many attempted to reach this center of knowledge. In critical moments, these peoples have translated their tensions into troubling images of contamination and a world that is being undermined. Yet this is th...

La mémoire du futur et l'explosion sociale

J’ai rédigé cette courte nouvelle, ne sachait aucunement que la pandémie du COVID19 allait frappée l’ensemble de l’humanité quelques mois suivant la rédaction de ma nouvelle à l’automne 2019. Comme par hasard dans ma nouvelle j’ai décrit des événements, qui peut s’apparenter à la situation. Par conséquent, je décris une crise psychosociale générée par un malaise que j'appelle "le trouble sévère de l'adaptation sociale" qui touche des centaines de millions d'individus à travers la planète. Évidemment ici il ne s'agit pas d'une crise sanitaire, aussi sévère que la COVID19. Ce trouble sévère de ce termine pas par la possible disparition de l'individu, mais plutôt à son incapacité à faire face à de nouvelles situation sociale et personnelle. Dans cette nouvelle je parle d'une autre crise, il s'agit d'une crise psychosociale d'un ampleur jamais répertoriée. En effet, l'accélération des changements causés par l'avénement des nouvel...

Drastic change - distinction between revolutionary process and revolutionary direction

“The orientation of the events depends on human intention and escapes the determinism of the conditions produced by the present system.” This blog speaks about social and cultural revolution. I will explain the difference between revolutionary process and revolutionary direction. The first thing that we need to clarify is the mechanically oriented system that we live in. As we know, throughout history there has always been revolution within society and civilization. If we analyse these moments of revolution, in most cases we see that there were given conditions that generated revolution such as accelerated disorder, concentration of power in the hands of a few, social injustice, discrimination, spirituality, religion, etc. But one of the most important factors that generated revolution that we don’t hear much about, is the mechanism of the system in proceeding to revolutionize itself without the intervention of any progressive group, set of ideas or orientation. When we speak of s...

Expansion of the horizon of the human being

Expansion of the horizon of the human being and overcoming pain and suffering In this blog I will talk about the expansion of the human attentional field and their fundamental role in human and social evolution. It seems to me that little has been said about the function of attention in evolution. Maybe it’s because the different levels of work of the consciousness (sleep, semi-sleep and vigilia) have not been sufficiently studied, just as the structure of the attentional field, has not been sufficiently observed. Yet it is thanks to the attentional field that the human being has been able to overcome several determinisms. When I speak of the attentional field I referred to the Silo concept of presence and copresence. In Psychology Notes 1. Silo explains the structure of the attentional field, the presence and the co-presence. Attention is a capacity of the consciousness to observe both internal and external phenomena. Last week I was fortunate to participate in a chat related ...

In this moment of fake news and misinformation let's grasp the distinctions between the different types of political views

The world is changing with rapidity and these changes affect the daily life of populations. In addition, the old way of doing politics is being swept away overnight while old forms  and radicalism are reappearing. In such a situation spontaneous actions of different types arise. In fact, many of these phenomena are closer to catharsis and social excesses than to a social process having the capacity to orient and make sense of the present moment. On the other hand, today bad faith and banditry in the appropriation of words have become monstrous. Indeed, I believe that it then becomes necessary to review some definitions. To remedy this situation, I share with you definitions of different political views. These definitions were taken from a book published a few years ago from the World Center for Humanist Studies which presented a short series of vocabularies intended to familiarize readers with the themes most frequently encountered in the texts of Universalist humanism. I believe i...