The soul - search, study and discovery

In this moment of global pandemic, and great turbulence, it seem like millions and millions of people are searching for new space to breathe. They search for a new integrated look to connect a fragmented and chaotic reality. Some are searching for inspired states of consciousness. Others search this particular connection with the sources of inspiration. They medicated and reflected and applied their energy towards transforming their inner look reality. In fact, since the beginning of time human being are searching a particular connection with all sources of inspiration which is the soul. They search for the connection with the divine and the gods. Throughout history they search for inspiration in difficult moment, in moment of crisis, in moment of abandonment and exclusion and many attempted to reach this center of knowledge. In critical moments, these peoples have translated their tensions into troubling images of contamination and a world that is being undermined. Yet this is the very thing that has impelled them, in their best moments, to build so solidly in so many fields. Other peoples have been formed in the painful register of abandonment and exclusion from lost paradises—and that is the very thing that has propelled them tirelessly to improve and to learn in the attempt to reach the center of knowledge. There are peoples who seem marked by the guilt of having killed their gods, and others who feel affected by a multifaceted and changing vision. This has led one to seek redemption through action, and the other to a reflective search for a permanent and transcendental truth. (Silo, p. 10, Mitos 1993) Many time in history, those how found new inner space horizon were able to bring new ideas, technology, art and poetry into the world.  I have been studying for years the connection between the source of inspiration and the consciousness. I study the mind, various philosophy currents, religions and others things. During my life I was always impressed by religious and spiritual people who possessed kindness, wisdom and inner force. I wanted to have similar inner characteristics. But than I realized that most religious people connect their experiences with landscapes that didn’t exist anymore moreover many of their references based from characteristics that doesn’t fit with the present moment. Personally I needed to connected my inner reality to some landscapes from the present moment. A reality where people around the world were connected, with technology, artificial intelligence and space travel; a reality tainted by violence, war, exclusion, corruption but also by peace, love, wisdom, and profound knowledge. So I decided 2010, to join the material discipline in Silo School. There’ four disciplines in Silo school. Similar to others spiritual discipline, in Silo School a discipline consist in an internal process of transformation carried out by entering into a mental location similar to poetry, mysticism and inspirational art. In the Material Discipline, we work with external objects and the matter of one’s own body, trying to destabilize them. In fact the disciplines work needed daily routines that are repeated in each moment of process until we obtains the indicated register (sensation + memory). In the material discipline I was able to connect with profound spaces, landscapes and inspired states of consciousness. After finishing the Material Discipline, it was propose that students became master and concluded their process by organizing an Ascesis. The Ascesis is the most significant discovery one make during the disciplinary process. The idea is to write a paper and shared with others ours experience and discovery. So I worked on and off on my Ascesis for the last four years. The main topics of my monograph (written production) is surpassing nihilism, discovery of sacred inner space and experimenting a state of consciousness towards gaining daily inner faith. Since four years I found some limitation to pursue my research. Silo School is a new phenomenon that has propel around the world in only a few years it doesn’t have any leaders nor central office. But since I started a few years ago it has limited resources. But beside that I was able to share my experiences based on my personal practice with others in France, New York, Argentina, Spain, London and Berlin. Each masters is part of a group of masters and meet on time to time in a dedicated park to Silo School. There is many park around the world, in North American we find two park one in New York and the others in California. I am part of a group of master based in New York city. We meet in the Hudson Valley Park of reflection and meditation every six month. Lucky for me, the park it’s not far from Montreal. This year the group of master and volunteer are planning to built the Sala. The Sala is the space for meditation and reflection and until now there was no Sala in North America. Finally, after visiting the Sala a few times, I will be able to conclude my monograph in 2021. About the Hudson Valley Park of reflection and meditation The place where the works of School are developed and where the Masters do their practices and studies. The masters of the School, founded by Silo, carry out their practices, reflections and studies at Hudson Valley Park.  Some of the resulting works  are made available to the public through this website. The purpose of these works is to document and recover human experiences and traditions regarding inspired states of consciousness through topics such as the religious and spiritual traditions of the world, and testimonies from diverse places and time periods. describe reflections and experiences based on personal practice. Hudson Valley Park is an inspiring place for the study, meditation, and reflection on Silo’s Message. Friends, neighbors and family come together in communities that regularly organize seminars, retreats, and gatherings at the Park. The goal of these activities is to promote the free interpretation and personal experience of the spiritual teachings of Silo. Examples of the themes addressed in the seminars and retreats are the Configuration of one’s Internal Guide, The Force I and II, Reconciliation, Profound and Essential Change, and The Asking. Some of the formative themes include: The Healing of Suffering, Failure, Reconciliation, Faith, Transcendence, Unity and Contradiction. The Parks of Study and Reflection are the site of workshops, retreats, and study sessions on New Humanism, also known as Universalist Humanism and the various organizations inspired by it. Visit the website for more information ..


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