Good Knowledge & on the path to freedom

(photo credit Holly Hayes personification of knowledge in Pinricchio's marble floor panel, Italy)

«Today we live in a world where some are willing to sell their knowledge at any price. So they covered the planet with death machines. Others used their genius to invent new ways to manipulate, to silence and to put asleep the consciousness of individuals and entire peoples. But there are also theses men and women who use their science and knowledge to relieve hunger, disease and disasters. What science and knowledge, they relieve pain and suffering of humanity.»

Good Knowledge liberates the human beings

In human history knowledge emerges at the start of human life. Ancient civilization myth implies various allegory of knowledge that are link to wisdon, and sometime to magic and poetry. Knowledge was always connected to the transformation of the given conditions that cause pain and suffering in human being. In fact, good Knowledge assumes the clear intention to rebel against the absurdity, going far beyond the limits imposed by an apparently definite and unchanging «natural» state of the human being and society. This aim of the quest to overcome adverse circumstances and is aimed expand human freedom.

Advances in knowledge are the result of the accumulation of human intentions. In fact, Human intentions came from housands of generations are now owned by the human species as a whole. Therefore, access to the use of knowledge cannot, be subject to any constraints. Good Knowledge rejects any attempt to monopolize or restrict the use of knowledge to improve some human life and not others. Good Knowledge declares the appropriation of knowledge by any particular sector to be null and void and strongly denounces the exclusionary intentions of groups in power.

Today some groups not only seek dominion over the physical world, but they also try to control human subjectivity through the appropriation of the media, spreading violent models and values, and by manipulating information. Across wide regions of the planet, and in spite of the enormous advances achieved by humankind, there are power, some economic, and technology power that used violence, impoverish, and – destruction. 

Moreover, Today the future of the generations to come and the overall equilibrium of life on this planet are threatened. In fact the most violent circumstances of our time is the denial of the activity of the intentionality of the consciousness. In fact, for human beings to be able to continue their evolution towards freedom and increased personal and social happiness, it is necessary that Good Knowledge grows and is affirmed it is also necessary to affirmed the activity of the intentionnality of the consciousness in the World.

Good knowledge lead to reconciliation
Good knowledge lead to dialogue
Good knowledge lead to justice
Good Knowledge proclaims the common and open ownership of science, technology and knowledge, it promotes collaboration and working with others for the wellbeing of all mankind. There is some school activities program that promote good knowledge and the activity of the consciousness in the world such as the Run This Way school program.

Run This Way School program promoting good knowledge

Since 2011, thousands of students from various countries have participated in the Run This Way schools program. Each year the program coordinator symbolically offers the tens of thousands of kilometers accumulated by pupils to a personality or an organization committed to protect education and students. this year the kilometers will be offer to an organizations that lead Good knowledge. The "Run This Way " school program was launch by World March for peace and nonviolence members and by the International Humanist Network in Quebec Canada.

Seem the beginning of September student from elementary and high school had the oppurtunities to join in a race or a walk for Good knowledge. Also the program is teaching students that humanity and people around the world are living great changes and propose to resolutely fight for the progress of science in the service of the human beings. Moreover, school are invited to organizes an oath. « I swear in front of my friends, teachers, family and colleagues to never in my life use the knowledge I have received and that which I will learn in the future to oppress human beings, but on contrary I will apply it to their liberation. »  In fact, students in the Runt This Way program will discover the work of various researchers such as You Youyou, a chemist that received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of a drug that helps tp prevent malaria and that save millions of livess woeldwide since many years.

This oath is similar to the one that did Salvadore Puledda in Florence in 1989. At that time Puledda paid a tribute to Galileo and Giordano Bruno precursosrs of modern science. The work of these two scientists as well as that of several generations of researchers has allowed mankind to make great advances in order to relieve pain and suffering.

For more information please invite the website: www.runthisway,ca


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