2017 .. time for a new attitude toward adaptation !

2017 .. ..Time for growing adaptation with Active nonviolence attitude.. turning away from various form of human involution!

In this blog we explore the new system of images rising in the daily life of millions of people around the world. To comprehend this new system of images we start our study from human particularity and the evidence that human intention and images acts over the body. When we speak of images we refer to representation that happens in the consciousness, whether I am perceiving an object through my senses or I am remembering it or imagining it. We need to understand that representations exist linked not only to the perception of the external senses. I can also represent an emotional state, I can imagine joy or sadness. The sense that detects the emotional state is a sort of internal touch that the author Silo, in Psychology Notes, calls cenesthesia. Than we represent not only the tangible objects of the external world and of emotional states, but we also have representation of a mathematical operation that we carry out mentally, and of "intangibles" like solidarity, fidelity, cruelty and liberty.  In "Psychology of the Image", Silo relates the image to human action through an original theory of the space of representation, in which the image is conceived as an active mode of being in the world of the consciousness.

In the short history of psychology, scientist investigate human representation and his mode of action in the world. "Cristina of Sweden, speaks of the point of union between thought and the mobility of the body" (from our chat with Descartes) ; Brentano, who some three hundred years later introduce into psychology theconcept of intentionality ; Husserl, who retakes and goes more deeply into the study of intentionality, particularly in Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenological Philosophy.

But beside the phenomenon of representation, image and intention, we are interested by the characteristics of changes and crisis in relation to the immediate environment in which each person lives in Today's world.

In previous blog we have seen the impact of the unpredictable changes that are experienced as personal and social crisis. Paradoxally as the pace of change continues to increase formers of opinion have more difficulties to comprehend this cruel and stupid age dominated by money .. were others heard the echo of Codex Buranus, ".. the Abbott in his cell is kept a prisoner by money..." It seem like everythings has become worn out in people.

But the world's evolution is going very fast, and various group of people are aware of the acceleration in which things are mutating but also of the new opportunities. In the midst of all theses mutation, most people don't recognise that in this very rhythm their own inner situation (the look within) is also changing. The situation in which we live, the changes in our inner look, the disintegration of institutions and the crisis of solidarity open new roads for the human mind. Maybe it's time for people to get in touch with this form of perception which we called the "inner look" and to carry converging charge into the world. 

Because Today we see clearly that representatives of established power does not validate the existence and the action of a historical flux in a converging direction among the people. It seem like their way of seeing things generate points of view that articulates datas and information maintaining human condition into pain and suffering. In fact, in the midst of the crisis they keep the same views which naturalizing the human being and culture. As result, in all the field of activities human intention are denial as the human being is convert into objects to be used. In synthesis, we could say that the historical moment is caracterize by the social and personal awareness of theses forms of instrumentalities of the human being and of the culture.

"The technological world, in which all things are instruments or instrumentalities, in which all are only entities in which Being has been obscured and completely forgotten, is the most complete expression of Western though and, at te same time, the point of arrival at a mode of expression of Being. Within this horizon, the human being's relationship with entities has taken on the forms of an inauthentic and thrown-away existence." (Puledda, p. 190, 1997)

Moreover, theses ways of seeing things is driven by the unprincipled pragmatism that can no longer simply reduce human being as a biochemical machine subject to the laws of evolution of natures, the laws of god, genetic and neurology. Today it seem like the big capital dominates our objectivity through its control of the means of production and our subjectivity, through its control of the means of communication and information. But new forms social and personal struggling are coming into the world. Theses struggles express the right to a fulfilled life and the affirmation of the intentionality of consciouness. Theses rights dispute by millions people around the world are driven by a new moral force.

Above all the strongest affirmation of our time is without any douth the intentionality of consciousness carrying his charge into the world embobies in new sensibility. A sensibility where the existential location goes belong the conceived entities as simple-presence that marks the entire history of Western metaphysics. This sensibility is base on "human particularity" and affirmed that the human being are a socio-historical phenomenon. From this perspective the human being is in a dynamic movement in opposition from a socio-natural phenomenon which generate some tendancies toward permanency.

Moreover, the human being is a socio-historical being capable of a moral force which is not a passive reflection of the world but is active in the world in accordance with its intention and the open future which is possible through the active mode of the consciousness.

Silvia Swiden explained in , "the rising awareness of the power of consciousness to shape the world put humanity at its best position to create the type of habitat most conductive to its development. Homo sapiens could think. Later Homo sentiens became aware of thinking. Homo intentional can choose how to think."   (Swinden p. 174, 2006)

Swiden has also reflect on social model and explain : "the process of working intentionally towards personal coherence by learning to make decisions with a clear direction towards internal reference may be difficult when we carrying the weight of the past, but it cannot be completed unless we also attempt to eliminate the roots of social contradiction. We must create models for a human society that allow equal rights and equal opportunities for all. We want freedoom but we (at least some of us) also want equality.(Swiden, p. 170, 2006)

According to Swiden the consciousness is also time. "Conscience is not handle or a muscle, which you can cut to study. You cannot understand the mechanisms of conscience if you isolate them form the cultural and social environment in which they happen. In this environment its relationship with other elements is active and dynamic.  Let us add to this that the environment is not only a space, but also, and basically, time. Not with an external and linear temporality, referred to dates, but a internal and structural temporality in which the past, the present and the future overlap in an active way and determine the nowand here of each moment." (Swiden, p.172,, 2006)

In fact, new form of personal adaptation caracterizes this historical moment. It's called "growing adaptation" which is in direct opposition to "adaptation and continuity". In growing adaption we observed a basic attitude in which one turns away from various human involution. Moreover, growing adaptation provide a personal location where news shapes and forms come to light into our daily life.

We know that the images for changing the world, world peace and harmony among culture are carrying the charge aiming to replace the dominant models in which most people recognize as destructive, unjust and deshumanizing. Theses images proposes directions and models embobies in a new sensibility.

Which direction I will take in front of the social confusion and disorientation ? What will direct my intentions and actions ? ..  

To conclude our blog I wish to propose the basics, which I believe embobies the new sensibility and that was explained two decades ago By Silo in his book "Letters to My Friends, on social and Personal Crisis in Today's World".

"Today we can glimpse not only a new sensibility and a new mode of action but also a new moral attitude and a new tactical approach to facing life. If I were pressed to be more specific I would simply reply, though it has been said time and again over the last three millennia, that today people are experiencing anew the need for and the true morality of treating others as they want to be treated. I could add this, almost as general laws of conduct, that today people are aspiring to :

1. A certain proportion, in which one tries to give order to the most important things in one's life, dealing with them as a whole and not allowing some aspects to move ahead while others fall too far behind.
2. A certain growing adaptation, in which one acts in favor of evolution rather than momentary concerns, turning away from the various forms of human involution.
3. A certain well-timed action, in which one retreats when facing a great force (not every little obstacle) and advances when that force weakens.
4. A certain coherence, in which one accumulates those actions that bring one a feeling of unity, of being in agreement with oneself as disagreements among what one thinks, feels and does.

References : Letters to my Friends, On Social and Personal Crisis of Today, Silo, 1995, Latitude Press, US.

From Monkey Sapians to Homo Intentional  the Phenomonology of of the Nonviolent Revolution, Silvia Swiden, Abbis Abbey, Londres 2006.

On being Human, Interpretation of Humanism from The Renaissance to the Present, Salvadore Puledda, Latitude Press, USA 1997.

Photo credit: 1.wikipedia
2. Italy, education for Active nonviolence workshop


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