2019 time for great question to be resolved..

(the future is now .. the new generation will disarm the bomb of discrimination and violence)

2019.. great question to be resolved ..

The violence in the world is the fondamental problem of the present moment and many things are out of control. The individual and social conflicts stem from situation of violence.

Today, we have a choice, we can continue living by values and intentions of someboby else's dream or start to change the social structures for inclusive space with a diversity of people ideas and believe. But at the same time we need to change our own structures of thought and feeling.

Moreover, many people agree that unless we become aware of the insidious effect of propaganda diffuse on social networks, in mass medias, by education and in the corporates world were we are seeing and experiencing various type of discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, religion, age, disability, cultural and social background or genetic, we will continue to recreate the society we are trying to change. It's time to reflect on our own action and our own look since many value judgements were imprinted in our mind during our formative years *.

Silo, a thinker and Humanist movement founder explain in his book "Letter to my friends" his ideas and view points on Universal Humanism and the rising of a new sensitivity in the world. Universal Humanism is based on freedom of choice and offers a valid ethic ; because Universal Humanists believe in intention and freedom,it distinguishes between error and bad faith. Universal Humanists are committed to our own times, even as we envision a long struggle that extends toward the future.
"Even those who do not find themselves in extreme situations are today questioning whether their present circumstances can form a way of life in the future. (...) Even those who prefere not to think about their situation, or who turn this responsability over to tohers, are still choosing a way of life. Thus, freedom of choice is a reality from the moment we question our lifes and reflect on the conditions in which we want to live. Whether we then struggle for that future or not, this freedom of choice still exits. And it is only this fact of human life that can justify the existence of values, of morality, of law and of obligation, just as it also allows us to refute all politics, all forms of social organization, and very way of life that is imposed without justifying its meaning, without substantiating just how it is a the service of the concrete human being in today's world."
According to Sylvia Swinden "Monkey to Homo Intentional" author and Medical MRCPsych, it's the denial of the intentionality of another human being that is the common denominator of violence.  to Swinden the present moment correspond to the end of a dark ages. Swinden explain that Active Nonviolence revolutions is possible and will come from various cultures and groups of people and will generate creative moments to overcome the present history of mindless violence. According to Swinden in history we find moment that are accompanied by a new sensibility toward life and the human being. The Renaissance followed the Dark Ages and something akind to the League of Nations was Kant's brainchild to en wars in Europe.

What can one do in this very complicated situation? What is best for me, my family and my friends ? I think the most important things for me, my family and friends is to live with inner peace, feel save and to gain freedom of action as time goes by. from the global and local violence. Only through this freedoom will we allowed the future to exist. The violence is everywhere. Today it's time to clarified ourself and clarified others .. It's necessary to take a commitment and to define our position to others with respect to violence and to the most terrible global treat of all time .. the nuclear bomb !

Pia Figueroa, Pressenza International  News Agency founder and director journalist, when Silo talk at the Nobel prize Summit, in Berlin in 2009 many people and leaders appreciate his ideas but wouldn't acknowledge the fact or supporting a worldwide consciousness for Active nonviolence. They didn't believe that nuclear bomb nuclear would be use in future wars. But as years past they saw news forms of irrationalism emerging with various forms of intolerance growing dangerously. Here it is interesting to recall to decades ago, as global phenomena rising more problems come to be understood and new criteria for action arise.
"We're in a very complicated situation, " he said slowly, " and we're concerned about doing the right thing. It's from what we consider that should be said and from what we can contribute, that we'll try to speak to those attending the Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Berlin. We'll try to contribute our grain of sand to the creation of a planetary skin of worldwide consciousness about nonviolence. Nonviolence comes from aicient times. It's formalised in Ahimsa 2,500 years ago but it comes from much further back, maybe 100,000 years ago. It's part of what human beings bring wih them and something that hasn't yet been able to take shape ; perhaps it's something that was already lodged there in the hominid consciousness very long ago. 
Nonviolence emerges with the beginnings of human beings. It's related to the Yes and the No that are mixed within the interior of each person as we explained years ago in the public rallies that we did in several cities in the eighties. (...) Now we can planetarise this proposal of an active nonviolent consciouness in this direction. (...) When have you ever seen a moral force put a whole system in check ? Gandhi came to England to speak to the textile unions, to explain to them why Indians had decided to not use the clothes coming from their cloth factories and were instead making their own ... and the English understood. 
In this kind of action you can't be guided by success, nor can you be orientated by applause, these things don't move that way. We're talking about processses that advance by proving what is correct, what has to be done. (...) They're not topics that move from success. You drive them from an orientation of action which is coherent for you, which is valid and here you stengthen yourself. (...) In these moments of great acceleration, to do what you have to do, you can only be guided by what's right.
What's concerning in the present moment is not States ; what's complicated today are the small groups of power located in different ambits which are out of control and capable of unchaining a conflict of human proportions. The destructuring of the system and its institutions, the acceleration in which we find ourselves, all of this is interesting of a new layer of nonviolent consciouness to appear. But if a serious conflict arises, in the case where a nuclear firework explodes, it will be an enormous setback. Those small powerful groups are capable of unleashing something that harms us all, them included. This could end up very badly. Today the power of destruction is incommensurable. "
If we choice some conditions to generate more creatives moments and freedom, we need to reflect if wars and these thousands of nuclear bombs in alert around the world spport theses conditions. I believe it's time to disarm the bombs of violence and discrimination from the formative years*and open the future... the future is now!


Reference : Silo the  Master of our time, Pia Figueroa, 2013 Budapest, Hungary.
From Monkey Sapiens to Homo Intemtional. The Phenomenology of the Nonviolent Revolution, Sylvia Swinden, Adonis Abbey, London, 2006.

Formative years: "each of us was born into an era in which there were certain types of cars, certain types of buildings, as well as an enormous number of objects corresponding to that particular time and place. There were certain kinds of clothes and objects we made use of almost daily. And this world of tangible objects has of course continued to charge with the passage of time. It is obvious how much our world has changed over the intervening years. Many of these objects that formed part of our childhood no longer exist, or have changed beyond recognition. And amount of new objects is inexhaustible.

We also recognize that the world of intangible objects has changed as well : values, social aspirations, interpersonal relationships, etc. Families function differently, so do friendship, dating, etc. The norms of time have changed tremendously as well. Both the tangible and intangible objects that constituted our landscape of formation have undergone dramatic transformations.

There were many factors that upon us produce our personal behavior over the course of time. Our landscape of formation, acquired long ago, continues through us in our present behavior as our way of being and moving among people and things. The velocity of change is accelerating, so many things that are happening now destabilize the social structures. Violence arises when those who would wish the world to be what they expected in the light of their education find themselves ina completely different space.The compulsion to some older generations to impose upon the younger generation their landscape


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