Global problems will not be solved unless we address the real question: the mentality of violence!
Today global problems will not be solved unless we address the real question, the violence mistrust and corruption that prevails in the mentality of some people in power. This mentality is not only shared among some people in power. Everybody is confronted in their daily life by a mentality based on chronic individualism and egoism. This mentality generates conditions that can not allow the resolution of social and global problems. Moreover this mentality generates social fragmentation.
In fact, Today the present social and global situation finds itself in a determined fragmented and divided historical moment. We live within an historical moment that is differentiated from another moment because we are facing social and global problems simultaneously. We live in a global environment where various military alliances (from various countries and Nuclear Super power States) disputed the power over the resources of the world. A moment where the future of the planet is jeopardized by climate change. A moment where a global pandemic is spreading around the world and affecting the daily life of billions of people. A moment where billionaires concentrate more and more capital, and simultaneously thousands of childrens are dying of hunger. A moment where dialogue between leaders is not possible without a consideration of the pre-dialogic element. A moment where the rising tensions between the “Superpower nuclear weapons States” is creating waves of uncertainty around the planet.
We live in a moment where the Superpower nuclear State maintains and renews their nuclear arsenal because they share the same mentality of mistrust and violence! (every Superpower nuclear State knows that winning a nuclear war is truly impossible!) According to these Superpower States, nuclear weapons will never be used, these weapons only exist to generate a climate of mass deterrence! The leaders of these Super power States are so naive! They live in a nuclear denial!
“Mr President, Mr Prime Minister, I can assure you, mass destruction is a possible future and may happen in the blink of an eye if you don’t change your mentality! “
The first thing these leaders need to do is to regain the trust between themselves and agree on pre-dialogic elements.
An open dialogue among the various protagonists without the counteraction of various nationalism and corporate groups egoism is the only way out of this mess. Both parties need to agree on the theme of the dialogue if one party holds that the subject is of primary importance, whereas for the other party it is trivial, then there may be agreement about the object under discussion, but not about the interest in or function of the discourse as a whole. Also, if the key terms of the discussion have different definitions for the two parties, this can have the result that the object of the dialogue, and even the subject dealt with, will be distorted.
“There can be no complete dialogue without a consideration of the pre-dialogic elements on which the need for the dialogue is based. Here we are taking dialogue to be a relationship of reflection or discussion between people, between parties. Without being overly rigorous, we might clarify certain conditions that are necessary if that relationship of dialogue is to exist or an explanation is to be reasonably followed. Accordingly, for a dialogue to be coherent both parties must: (1) agree on the theme to be discussed; (2) accord the theme a similar degree of importance; and (3) possess a common definition of the important terms to be used.” (Silo, p.203)
According to Silo, if these three conditions are satisfied, then it is possible to advance and for the parties to be in reasonable agreement or disagreement with the sequence of arguments that are being expressed. But there are many factors that can hinder these conditions of dialogue from being met one these factors is the mentality of violence and mistrust that prevails among State leaders.
Besides the problems of communication between Superpower Nuclear States there is good news and the world could also change for the better in a blink of an eye !
Solving problems and the formation of a mentality systemic and global
We live in a connected world, where every country, city, neighborhood and everyone mobile is connected. We live in a world where the global issues are connected to the local issues. It’s paradoxical to see that everyone is connected to the other but that real communication and dialogue is not possible because of this mentality of violence, mistrust and corruption.
Moreover, our daily life is connected to the global problems of the world. Example, we understand that global problems such as climate change and COVID19 pandemic generated problems in our daily life.
When we address the questions of the global problems, we refer to the complexity of problems currently affecting populations around the planet. We know that the solution demands coordinated action by all the world’s States and international organizations. Among these problems priority needs to be given to solve the COVID19 pandemic, the climate change crisis, nuclear disarmament, world hunger and the elimination of poverty. These issues must be addressed rapidly. We have a limited frame of time before things become more challenging. We understand that in the present condition dialogue among States is difficult and in many cases it is not even possible.
Solving social and global problems calls for global solutions, unfortunately people in power don’t see things that way. Most of the time they cannot trust each other and aren’t able to advance on common ground and common agreement. Eventually problems are not solved and more problems are generated by this situation of mistrust. Solving global problems calls for the formation of a mentality that is systemic and global. A mentality capable of overcoming the division and fragmentation of egoistic groups and factions. A mentality capable of overcoming expansionist and authoritarianism tendencies.
Since my personal situation is linked to the personal situation of my friends in the United States, France, Brazil, Prague,Chile, Buenos Aires, Russia, Philippines, Toronto, Italy, Israel, Irak, Turkey, China, Vancouver, New York, Kenya, Morocco, Haiti, UK, Tokyo, and many others cities and countries around the world. We can act in our daily life on a common ground. I believe we need to put in place a global response to this crisis. A new global mentality based on solidarity, reciprocity and well-being. A mentality that could easily be spread around the world in a blink of an eye. Many people may think it’s not possible to do such a thing. But take for example the spread of the mobile phone, it took 20 years for more than 8,8 billions people to adopt mobile phones and the iphone, that represent 83% of the world population. Take for example the Internet, in a few years billions of people subscribe to social media. Then we can imagine that it would take a few years to diffuse a global mentality around the world where billions would adopt. A mentality manifesting respect for cultural diversity, national sovereignty and human rights and above all the right to choose a decent life without fear, violence, war and pain.
A mentality based on the renewal of an ancient morality. This morality gives precise direction to our action and also clearly indicates to whom these actions are directed.
“When we speak of morale we refer to a free act, we say that this act goes beyond all necessity and all mechanicity. This is a free act, the act we propose : “Treat others as you want them to treat you”. This is the morale of humanism, the morale of our time.There is no theory, no justification, that is above this free morale act. (Silo, 1986)
If we want to solve the global problems we need a global mentality based on common ground. The “Golden Rule”, dialogue (where key terms of the discussion have the same definitions for the protagonists) and the respect of cultural diversity should be the common ground for a global mentality.
In Today world, it’s not the morality of humanism that’s in crisis, but it’s the morality of big money and individualism that is in crisis. The morality of humanism is not in reference to causes, or objects, or systems, humanism morale refers to the direction of human actions. All the criticism we offer, all the solutions that we produce and provide, are oriented toward the direction of human actions. It’s time for the renewal of this ancient morale, the Golden Rule, that has proven in many moments in history the capacity to solve many problems and difficulties. A moral principle found among a wide diversity of peoples around the planet.
Herodotus recorded the existence of the Golden Rule among various people of the world.
Golden rule
Rabbi Hillel : What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to your neighbor.
Plato: “May I always do to others thatwhich I would want them to do to me.”
Confucius: “Do not do to another what you would not want others to do to you.
Jainist: “man must try to treat all creatures as he would want them to treat him.
Christiantity: “All those things that you would want men to do undo you, do also undo them.
Sikhs: “treat others as you would have them treat you.
Source: Silo speak, 2006. Dictionary of humanism terms, 2002.
Drastic change - distinction between revolutionary process and revolutionary direction
“The orientation of the events depends on human intention and escapes the determinism of the conditions produced by the present system.” This blog speaks about social and cultural revolution. I will explain the difference between revolutionary process and revolutionary direction. The first thing that we need to clarify is the mechanically oriented system that we live in. As we know, throughout history there has always been revolution within society and civilization. If we analyse these moments of revolution, in most cases we see that there were given conditions that generated revolution such as accelerated disorder, concentration of power in the hands of a few, social injustice, discrimination, spirituality, religion, etc. But one of the most important factors that generated revolution that we don’t hear much about, is the mechanism of the system in proceeding to revolutionize itself without the intervention of any progressive group, set of ideas or orientation. When we speak of s...
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