
Showing posts from 2016

2017 .. time for a new attitude toward adaptation !

2017 .. ..Time for growing adaptation with Active nonviolence attitude.. turning away from various form of human involution! In this blog we explore the new system of images rising in the daily life of millions of people around the world. To comprehend this new system of images we start our study from human particularity and the evidence that human intention and images acts over the body. When we speak of images we refer to representation that happens in the consciousness, whether I am perceiving an object through my senses or I am remembering it or imagining it. We need to understand that representations exist linked not only to the perception of the external senses. I can also represent an emotional state, I can imagine joy or sadness. The sense that detects the emotional state is a sort of internal touch that the author Silo, in Psychology Notes, calls cenesthesia. Than we represent not only the tangible objects of the external world and of emotional states, but we also have ...

Good Knowledge & on the path to freedom

(photo credit Holly Hayes personification of knowledge in Pinricchio's marble floor panel, Italy) «Today we live in a world where some are willing to sell their knowledge at any price. So they covered the planet with death machines. Others used their genius to invent new ways to manipulate, to silence and to put asleep the consciousness of individuals and entire peoples. But there are also theses men and women who use their science and knowledge to relieve hunger, disease and disasters. What science and knowledge, they relieve pain and suffering of humanity.» Good Knowledge liberates the human beings In human history knowledge emerges at the start of human life. Ancient civilization myth implies various allegory of knowledge that are link to wisdon, and sometime to magic and poetry . Knowledge was always connected to the transformation of the given conditions that cause pain and suffering in human being. In fact, good Knowledge assumes the clear intention to rebel a...

Book launching: A new educational paradigm Wednesday June 27nd @ 12:00 noon (Montreal time zone)- skype conference

 A New educational paradigm Henri Oscar Communication is launching the book A new educational paradigm on Wednesday June 27nd @ 12:00 noon (Montreal Time Zone) on Skype Participants most register prior to conference at

Education for active nonviolence for the world to come

Education for active nonviolence for the world to come   (Photo: Henri Oscar Communication, active nonviolence workshop, Historical character of nonviolence) The world is changing at a dizzying pace, and people can no longer hold on much of what they believed until now. The acceleration of events is generating crisis, instability and disorientation in every society. New criteria of citizenship arise and various events put pressure on education system. While it’s obvious that educational institution established in the past aren’t adapted to the world to come.   Today no one disputes the fact the changes in societies throws the old institutions and methods into profound crisis. While the crisis contains the possibility of opening ourselves to new perspectives. Theses perspectives, once put into project may allow us to evolve toward a more human society characterized by solidarity, nonviolence and freedom. But at the same time others voices are also being raised pushin...

Educate for an active, pluralist vision of reality

(Wikipedia : Teenage Olso, Norway) This blog originates f rom an essay to be published later in Ma y (1). Active vision of reality & new generation Today 's most institution committed to education an d tra in ing offer in their curriculum citizenship program . But as the world is changing at a di zzying pace ca n we advance with an educational model that is adapt to our time and to the world to come? A model in which new generation would play act ive role in the world? A model that would incorporate more than a citizenship p rogram to prepared new gen eration to various context and reality? I f today ' education goal is underst ood as instructing and transmitting knowledge, its obsolescence is o bvious, since there are many more efficient means of accessing information that of fer a broader scope such as the numerical world ; databases, web conference, MOOC, online training, community ne two rking , etc.    Nevertheless the existen...